
Funny New Year's Resolutions For The Comically Challenged

Funny New Year's Resolutions For The Comically Challenged

People are more likely to stick to their New Year's resolutions if there's some fun involved. We hope these funny New Year's resolutions help the next year get off to a fantastic start! Instead of picking the same old New Year's goals that you never keep, why not take a look at these fun New Year resolution ideas, and shoot for outlasting the New Year resolutions 2023 saw you try? Don't take this list of resolutions for New Year changes too seriously. In fact, some of the most common resolutions New Year parties see are based on humor.

Instead of asking guests at your New Year's Eve party what their resolutions are, why not enjoy the get-together to spend time creating memories? Features like event photo sharing in Esstart's Instant Spotlight is an ideal way to ring in the next year celebrating the people who matter the most to you!


Instead of challenging yourself with impossible goals, try choosing a few of these achievable resolutions to improve your life. Silly resolutions are a great way to explore different goal-achievement strategies to discover which works best for you. There's no rule that says your New Year's aspirations have to be meaningful, or even make any sense at all!

Our resolution success tips focus on having fun and setting humorous New Year goals based on a few of these witty resolution ideas based on starting the year by having some fun. These resolutions might be funny, but there's also a kernel of seriousness in all of them. The more fun you have when trying to make changes in your life, the more likely you'll be to stick with them. We hope that you'll be able to use this list to create a few resolutions that can help improve your day-to-day life and give you a more positive outlook overall.

Importance of Laughter

Laughter really is the best medicine, as the saying goes. The next time you want to make a few changes to start off the New Year, it's important to add some laughter to the situation. The more fun your goals are, the more likely you are to stick with them. These resolutions might seem silly, but they're based on a few important ideas. Namely, spend more time doing what you love and make time to be silly with your friends. Enjoying a joke or a little bit of silliness every day can help to reduce your stress levels, enjoy a more positive outlook on life, and just be a happier person. It's a win-win approach for sure.

Try to look at the changes that you want to make in your life in a new way that helps you meet your goals, even if you do so in an unexpected way. The more fun you have when making changes, the better you'll feel. And when you share your approach with your friends, you'll have accountability buddies who will be there to motivate you when you feel like giving up. Let's take a look at some of the best and funniest resolutions for you to try this year. Good luck!


Common Funny New Year's Resolutions

funny new year's resolutions

1. Try to collect as many midnight kisses as possible during the midnight ball drop countdown.

2. Party like it's 1999.

3. Ignore the idea of resolutions completely.

4. Vow to eat more ice cream.

5. Decide to wear funny outfits to the gym. (This one's even better when you do it with a friend.)

6. Watch every Oscar winner for Best Film since the year of your birth.

7. Order every dish at your favorite restaurant by the end of the year.

8. FaceTime with your best friend once a week while wearing silly hats.

9. Vow to get into better shape by walking around your block - backward.

10. Eat only foods beginning with the same letter each day until you work your way through the alphabet.

11. Learn how to swear in multiple languages.

12. Have more impromptu staring contests until you become an unbeatable expert.

13. Learn Pig Latin and vow to speak only in that language for an entire day.

14. Use only memes when communicating over text.

15. Finally learn how to stand on your head.

16. Take up a hobby like juggling or learn how to become a mime.

17. Learn how to recite the alphabet backward, then do so in public or inopportune moments with friends.

18. Refuse to act your age.

19. Embrace your inner cat lady or dude.

20. Sleep in until noon on New Year's Day and avoid making resolutions altogether.


New Year resolutions don't have to be a source of stress. In fact, many people are beginning to opt for more positive resolutions rather than trying to shame themselves into eating healthier and hitting the gym more often. Resolve to spend more time doing the things you enjoy and spending more time with loved ones. And, if this list has taught us anything, it's to have some fun with any resolutions you decide to set for yourself!

One of our favorite, serious, resolutions to make and keep each year is to spend more quality time with friends and family. This could mean anything from morning walks together to weekly dinners or planning one big trip a year. The time we spend with the people we love most makes our lives fuller and more satisfying. And when you're getting together with your favorite people, be sure to enjoy features like an event photo sharing to make the time you spend together truly special.



What is a fun fact about New Year's resolutions?

Making resolutions at the beginning of the New Year is a tradition that goes back thousands of years, and is believed to have been first practiced by ancient Babylonians.

What is a great New Year's resolution?

The best New Year's resolution is to resolve to not make any resolutions at all!

What is the most made New Year's resolution?

Very few people live as healthfully as possible, which makes it unsurprising that the most made resolution is to lose weight and get into better physical shape.

What day is Quitter's Day?

The second Friday in January is recognized as "Quitters Day", which is when most people give up on their resolutions. Don't worry, it's okay to keep trying!

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